There's a new dental floss movement happening and many are realizing they don't have to settle for second string! From teflon-free to vegan wax, coconut fiber to Italian silk, refillable and biodegradable... The Gleamery is playing floss matchmaker for the type of smile you are.

For The Smile That Enjoys Company

You've got teeth that enjoy being super close to one another. Some areas might be a bit crowded and you can't seem to get your floss in between without floss fray or force. To remedy this, you'll want to use a thin, shred-resistant floss that's waxed to help it glide more easily. We really like what RiseWell Teflon-Free Floss is all about. They're non-toxic (no artificial flavors, teflon, or petroleum-based wax) and infused with hydroxyapatite—a natural alternative to fluoride to help remineralize tooth enamel. We hear this infusion has been a gold standard in Japan for decades!

For The Smile That Likes "Me Time" 

This kind of smile has wider spaces between some teeth. Without the right floss, you'll be stuck with leftovers you don't want to keep. For this, try dental tape. Dental tape is generally wider and flatter for a cleaner sweep between teeth. Oral-B Satin Tape is worth a whirl, and it's also less abrasive for those with sensitive teeth or bleeding gums too. 

For The Over Achieving Smile

You're someone who likes to floss with one hand. Or maybe you only have one hand to spare. Either way, we're finding that Quip's Refillable Floss Pick is a solid, accessible choice that also reduces single-use floss pick use. Plus, the design and packaging is super slick! 

For The All-Natural Smile

You take care of your whole body with whole foods. It makes total sense your dental floss of choice is wellness-infused with ingredients you recognize. Terra & Co Brilliant Black Floss will indeed make you smile. Made with activated charcoal, bamboo fiber and coconut oil. Coated with vegan wax and essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties. All in a recyclable box.

For The Smile That Loves The Planet

You simply can't smile your brightest knowing single-plastic use is plaguing the planet. We highly recommend By Humankind, a personal care company with a mission to reduce, reuse, and refill! By Humankind's Refillable Floss is silk from Italy, vegan wax, jojoba oil and essential oil. All pristinely packed in a glass container with a silicone top and bioplastic refillable spools. Surely this will have you smiling ear-to-ear.


Which floss will you pick? We'd love to know!